Upper Cervical Care Explained

The Best-Kept Secret In Healthcare
Advanced ImagingWhat to Expect

Local Upper Cervical Experts

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What Is Upper Cervical Care?

Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct misalignments of the vertebra and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally. Chiropractic doesn’t use drugs or surgery. Rather, a chiropractic spinal adjustment corrects the misalignment, permitting normal nerve transmission and assisting your body to recuperate on its own.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is a specialty within chiropractic that has a main focus on the vital brainstem area where the head and spinal column meet. This specific area of the human body houses trillions of neuronal pathways and the centers for respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure as well as numerous cranial nerve nuclei. This area also happens to be the most unstable in the spine because it is void of interlocking facet joints that limit rotation of the spinal column. With this area being so complex and mobile, it is vitally important in human function.

Upper Cervical Care uses precise techniques to correct – not manipulate – this highly sensitive area of the spine. Healthful Chiropractic is one of very few upper cervical centers in the DFW area and the only center that utilizes advanced imaging to evaluate and understand the unique details that may be the difference in overcoming your health concern. With upper cervical care, there is never any bending, twisting, popping, cracking or pain with the corrections. A gentle touch is all that is needed because we take the time to get to know and understand how your unique anatomy is affecting your body’s ability to function and how to correct it. Come see and feel the difference.

We Are Health Professionals Passionate About Improving Lives

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How Does Upper Cervical Care Work?

Upper Cervical care starts with looking at the whole body. We want to see if there are signs of interference in the communication between the brain and the body. If there is interference, the body will manifest several objective signs. When there is clear communication, the signs will no longer be present. 

Discuss Your Health Habits

During the first visit, we want to get to know more about you and your principle concerns. We want to encourage you to make educated decisions about your health. Our mission is to allow the body to restore the normal function of every nerve, organ and system. Healing from within – as you were designed.

Discover What Is Working & What Is Not

During the initial examination we are looking for a pattern of interference between the brain and the body. The image to the left shows a pattern of interference before and the results after initiating upper cervical care. 

Deep Dive Into Your Unique Condition

Utilizing advanced imaging, we are able to understand your unique anatomy and the problems you may be facing. Without great imaging, it is difficult to comprehend what stresses your body is going through.

Explore The Options

While we discuss the findings of the initial exam, we will also look at your options for care. Since every person is unique and may respond differently, it is best that your care be personalized to fit you. Your care plan should discuss the different goals and provide advice as we advance through care. 

First Step To Improved Health

With upper cervical care, there is never any bending, twisting, popping, cracking or pain with the corrections. A gentle touch is all that is needed because we take the time to get to know and understand how your unique anatomy is affecting your body’s ability to function and how to correct it.

Reclaim Your Old Self

As you entrust us with your care, we will do all we can to promote your health, help you to enhance the quality of life and be there to prevent the deterioration of chronic conditions. We want to encourage you to make educated decisions about your health. Our mission is to allow the body to restore the normal function of every nerve, organ and system. Healing from within – as you were designed.

Additional References

The Ful Blog – Upper Cervical related blog posts

Upper Cervical Care – Informational website

Up C Spine – Informational website

More Questions? Email us.

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Healthful Chiropractic

Phone: 469.215.1385

McKinney, Allen, Plano, Frisco, Prosper

The Natural Care You've Been Looking For

Innovated Approach

The science of human health always begins with the human. The most innovative healing come from within your body. This is our focus – You!

Patient Satisfaction

We find that those who follow a planned schedule are more satisfied with their care in general and see a better improvement with their health concerns.

Custom Care

You are unique. Your chiropractic care should be as well. We believe in being precise with your health. To this end, we may take our time with you.


People spend more money on car maintenance than our care. Cars can be replaced when damaged. The same cannot be said about your spine and overall health.

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