Meniere’s Disease Case Study

33 year old female with 3 year history of Meniere’s Disease like symptoms


Upper cervical injuries may influence overall health. This study will examine a 33 year old female with 3 year history of Meniere’s Disease and how upper cervical care may improve the quality of life in this individual. Although upper cervical care does not claim to be a cure for any single health problem or concern, it’s effects are seen generally and many people have overcome their health struggles with the help of upper cervical care.

Upper Cervical Care is a unique form of chiropractic that helps people with common and uncommon health conditions be able to return to their normal life without the use of drugs or surgery.  Because upper cervical care revolves around the proper alignment of the head and neck and eliminating interference on the nervous system, the improvements are seen in the whole body.

Clinical Findings

A 33 year old female with Meniere’s Disease symptoms including: horrible vertigo episodes, throwing up, tinnitus, partial hearing loss. The condition has been managed by medication, but symptoms persisted to a degree. She recalls a motor vehicle accident when she was young that may be a factor for the upper cervical injury. Because of the condition, the patient has had to miss work.

An upper cervical evaluation was completed which included an upper cervical specific exam and advanced diagnostic imaging using the Cone-Beam CT. Following the exam and extensive analysis of the diagnostic imaging, the patient was found to have a pattern of signs indicating that there was an injury to the upper cervical spine. A plan of action was presented and the patient initiated upper cervical care.


It is debilitating, when episode happen at work, I spend hours in the bathroom throwing up. Hearing loss is frustrating. Husband has to take extra care of daughter.

Method of Care

Upper cervical corrections were advised and given. The purpose of care was to correct the biomechanical and neurological fault or subluxation found at the atlanto-axial joint. The recommended care included an initial correction of the first vertebra and regular visits to evaluate and deliver corrections to the upper cervical spine as needed. The case was managed following the Blair Upper Cervical Specific protocol and included PRILL leg length inequality observations, thermographic pattern studies, posture analysis and neurological tests.


Following the first correction, hearing had returned and the patient stated great improvement with the symptoms. The patient continued to improve until she felt a “pop” in her neck and said it felt like the symptoms were going to returned. Another correction was delivered and the patient returned to an improved status. The patient did state that a temporary headache resulted with the correction.


The primary objective of upper cervical care is to remove true consistent nerve pressure and interference, thus allowing the nervous system to become healthy once again. The reduction in Meniere’s Disease symptoms within a few days of care, suggest a link between the upper cervical subluxation and the health conditions. It may prove beneficial if further studies on upper cervical injuries and it’s association with health problems was pursed more fully.

Jason Alder DC, UCA

Jason Alder DC, UCA

Healthful Chiropractic

Compassionate upper cervical practitioner. Private Practice in McKinney TX. CBCT 3D advanced imaging. Blair and Orthospinology Upper Cervical Specific Techniques.

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